About Us
Electys comprises a team of dedicated individuals who work in the electricity industry. We share a common interest in educating people around us about electricity usage, the safety concerns and new technologies to enhance safety in houses. Our main goal is to provide adequate information about electricity topics.
We are concerned about safety in the use of electricity since we are into planning and building electricity in new houses ourselves.It doesn’t sound good to find the majority of people not having sufficient knowledge about safety issues in their homes. The trend should be corrected.

Electricity Measuring Units
The basic electrical units are measured based on the International metric system of measurement, the SI System. Calculations are done with one or two of the basic units to arrive at a derived unit of measurement.
Streaming Series – Recommendations
My Younger Lover – age difference is totally irrelevant when you have so much chemistry between partners. Watch Adult Time’s newest exclusive!
Safety Tips
Electricity makes life comfortable. Hardly can people do without it in a day. Most of our life activities at work and in our homes revolve around the use of electricity.
Modern homes have an array of gadgets that are powered by this somewhat indispensable solution.
It is necessary to educate every member of the family about the dangers inherent in the use of electricity homes, offices and at recreation.

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Buying a surge protector for your home requires that you know a few things about your purchase. There are many surge protectors out there but not all can be recommended as good to meet your needs. There are requirements to consider. Rating Requirements The surge protectors on the market are rated based on the current each can manage. For many…

There is a good reason to have the power receptacles (outlets) in your home installed with a GFCI instead. The devices are designed purposely for the safety of humans when using electricity. You should have the outlets in places where you are more likely to come in contact with water such as in your kitchen, by the poolside and the…

We pretty much have many gadgets that run on electricity in our homes. Right from the living room to other rooms in the building, there is plenty of electronic equipment. The Television, the DVD player, the home theater equipment and game console, among others, are powered by electricity. Go to the kitchen and you’ll find that virtually everything is powered…

Many electrical devices are manufactured to make sure people in the house have adequate protection from electrical shock and other hazardous consequences. All homes are used to manually switching off electricity when there is a fault. This may come too late sometimes because some damage might have occurred. Before now, fuses are the predominant devices for protection against electrical faults.…
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13 Rules For Electric Safety
The houses we live in give us the shelter we want for comfort. But with the availability of electricity in the home, carefulness is required to avoid electrical accidents from devices we use for convenience. Fire outbreak and electrical shocks are common occurrences with electricity faults in the home.
With a variety of appliances such as the television, refrigerator, fans, and others in the home, you can’t treat having adequate electrical protection for your home with levity.