The houses we live in give us the shelter we want for comfort. But with the availability of electricity in the home, carefulness is required to avoid electrical accidents from devices we use for convenience.
Fire outbreak and electrical shocks are common occurrences with electricity faults in the home.
With a variety of appliances such as the television, refrigerator, fans, and others in the home, you can’t treat having adequate electrical protection for your home with levity.
The general rule is safety first with electricity at home or in other places where it is used.
That said, protecting your home from electrical accidents is never a difficult thing to do. Most electrical accidents can be avoided with simple precautions and helpful tips. You only need to get some devices in place and be aware of related signs connected to electricity.
Now, working with electricity comes with having a high level of knowledge about handling electricity.
To keep safe and protected from an electrical surge, shocks and other electrical hazards in the home, there are guidelines that must be followed. Protection and safety must be taken very seriously when working on electrical equipment at home or in the workshop. Observe these rules religiously if you must work on electrical equipment.
1. Disconnect Power Source

This is the very first important rule to follow.
Make sure to first disconnect the device from the power source if you’re ever going to work on an electrical appliance in the home. It may not be enough to just switch it off.
Completely pull it out from the outlet to give yourself total protection while working on the equipment.
2. Keep Metallic Objects Away
Don’t bring metallic materials such as rulers, pencils, and rings close to you whenever you have to work on electrical equipment. You may be tempted to use anyone to point at an energized electrical unit.
This can lead to fatal electrical accidents.
3. Use Only Insulated Equipment

People working with electrical equipment should never use conducting materials.
Make sure to have your screwdrivers and pliers well insulated.
Also, make sure to always cut off the power supply to such equipment, this will give yourself a double layer of protection from accidents.
This should be sufficient to at least be sure you’ve put all that is needed in place.
4. Do Not Touch Energized Circuits
This is a critical electrical safety rule.
Never touch any energized circuit with your bare hands. You may not be privileged to know what happened later. This is a very vital and primary rule in electrical safety.
It is equally important that you should treat all circuits as energized any time you come across one.
5. Shut Off Power When There Is A Spill Of A Conducting Liquid

Make sure to first power off electricity supply to an area whenever a chemical or water is spilled where an electrical work is going on.
Go right to the main switch and turn off power before attending to the particular equipment.
6. Don’t Wear Loose Clothing
This is plainly clear. Never wear ties or any flowing dress in areas where you’re dealing with electricity when working with electrical equipment.
Loose clothing can find their ways into where you don’t want.
7. Do Not Touch A Person Who Might Have Been In Contact With A Live Wire

This is absolutely important.
Don’t go trying to rescue someone who is holding on to an energized circuit or conductor.
Switch off the power on the conductor from the main switch if you can
If you must, use a dry wood or any non-conducting materials you have.
8. Avoid Contact With Water
Water is a good conductor of electricity. Make sure to have your hands thoroughly dry If you’re ever going to work with an electrical appliance in the kitchen or carry out minor fixes.
Let home appliances like the TV and radio be far away from places that are water-laden like the bath and the pool area.
9. Don’t Use A teel Or Aluminum Ladder

Avoid the use of steel or aluminum if it requires for you to carry out a repair on a socket or receptacle that needs you using a ladder to get to the height.
Electrical current passes through these materials easily and can lead to fatal consequences.
A wooden ladder or the one made of fiberglass is recommended.
10. Repair Faults When Detected
Always carry out a check on your home electrical connections or appliances. If any faults such as loose connections or others that may need repairs are identified get it repaired immediately.
Call a qualified electrician to get the fix done properly for you.
11. Use Insulated Utensils

Safety measures can never be too much.
A cooking pot or kettle with an insulated handle should serve to give you further protection.
In the event of an electrical fault in the appliance if you use an electric cooker in the kitchen or in anything you do.
It is also a safety measure to use insulated tools specially when carrying out minor electrical works in the home or anywhere like outside electrical works.
12. Have An Electrical Tester To Check Current Flow
It is never a good idea to work on an equipment-laden with electricity. You can know this if you have an electrical tester handy at home. The installed bulb in the electrical tester glows when a live wire is touched.
You can use this to check metals, electrical sockets or appliances you want to work with.
Never work on a current carrying material, switch off the current first before anything.
13. Don’t Overload A Socket

Overloading a socket can lead to sparks, melting off and fire outbreaks. Know the maximum capacity of the socket or extension board you’re using.
In addition, be mindful of the electrical cables used in your home. They should be sufficient to handle the power usage of the appliance you’re connecting with them.
Keeping to electrical safety rules is important to life safety.
Everybody should watch when dealing with electrical equipment. There can’t be too much carefulness when it comes to electricity.