We pretty much have many gadgets that run on electricity in our homes. Right from the living room to other rooms in the building, there is plenty of electronic equipment. The Television, the DVD player, the home theater equipment and game console, among others, are powered by electricity. Go to the kitchen and you’ll find that virtually everything is powered by electricity.
Now, think of it that all of these you’ve spent money and years to acquire for your convenience got blown up in one single day by a power surge that occurs from a lightning or thunder strike.
You wouldn’t want that.
What A whole House Surge Protector Does?

Generally, think of a surge protector as a device that allows only a usable or harmless voltage to have access into your home. Such surge protectors shield your appliances from damage that should have occurred to the appliance.
Whole house surge protectors are comprehensive kind of protection that covers the entire house. Such surge protector devices are connected to your electric service box. This means this surge protector goes into your main breaker.
You can configure it to all circuits in the home or a selected few or a single one. Surge protectors are able to protect your home from all forms of surge whether small or large. You’ll find most in the range of $200 to $500 in the market.
Today’s modern homes with virtually everything running on electrical power, the need for a comprehensive surge protector should not be ignored.
Will A Whole House Surge Protection Be Enough?
While a whole house surge protection is very important to the safety of your appliances, it may not be the complete protection to safeguard your home appliances from damage.
What if something goes wrong? To be safer and well-protected, additional layers of protection are required to give your home the perfect protection.
The best bet is to take to multiple surge protection.
Receptacle (Outlet) Surge Protector

Most homeowners are quite familiar with this protection approach. It is focused on a unit point-of-use in the home. Users can install these themselves at home. They are able to protect devices connected to the outlet and also allow users to share them with low-powered appliances in the home. The common ones are often in the form of the power strip designs used in many homes today.
While you may get this surge protection installed much inexpensively, they tend to have a limited functionality compared to a whole house surge protection installations. They are also called surge arrestor. They operate by transferring the destructive power to the ground wire.
Will a whole surge protector do all that needs be done on home protection and safety?
First, it is most important to have a whole house surge protector installed in your main breaker.